Monday, July 16, 2012


This week we talked about parenting in class. i had the wonderful opportunity of bringing a friend of mine along to class to sit in for the day. She is a non member and has very different perceptions on family and parenting than the rest of the class. This became very apparent to her when we were discussion the purposes and definition of  parenting. The class said that the purpose of parenting is to become  like God, and others said that it was a noble calling to welcome and rear Heavenly Father's children in this mortal world. I found it fascinating that the definition of such a  universal concept can be so drastically changed by one's religion. Then again, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a church centered on family. one of the greatest callings a member can have in this vast church is to be a parent. I love that parenting is seen as a privilege and a learning tool, for both parents and children alike in this church. I love that we are all given a dose of what it means to be godlike in the practice of parenting, God is first and foremost our father first.
on a more universal note we discussed the different kinds of parenting, Authoritarian, Authoritative, and Passive.
Authoritarian parenting is a parenting style where the parent child relationship is seen as a Superior giving instruction to an inferior. authoritarian parents give orders not choices, this can cultivate rebellion and distrust between child and parent.
Authoritative parents teach children through choices. they offer their children choices while presenting consequences and outcomes of those choices. They treat their children more as equals rather than as inferiors. This style has been found to  cultivate trust and open communication between parent and child, these children also learn to interact more successfully outside of the home.
Passive  parenting  is when the parents are detached and uninvolved in their children's lives. these parents either provide a lack of structure or they allow children to do what ever they like with no consequences. This style tends to result in children manipulating or resenting their parents.

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