Sunday, July 15, 2012

family crisis

when families face crisis there are three major components that make up the experience, we will call them the ABC of family crisis.  A stands for the actual event, B stands for behavioral responses, and C stands for cognition, when  A,B and C are combines you are left with the total experience. The fascinating and complicated reality that comes with family crisis is the differences in the behavioral responses of many individuals going through the same actual event. Any given family id faces with many different experiences for the same incident, or issue. Because we are able to chose how we behave in any given circumstance, a family can experience the same event many different ways. depending on any given  individuals behavioral response, and their cognition, or thought process the outcome can be drastically changed. often times one person's cognition can act as a safety guard against further reactionary behavior. we will all face hard times, we will all experience trials in this life, but the man who becomes cognisant of the impact his actions can have will find the greatest growth. crisis, while hard is not always a bad thing for a family, we never learn form the easy times.
G.K. Chesterton once noted, "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered, an inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered." we can drastically impact the outcome of family trial by simply becoming aware of our behaviors. when we behave in reactionary ways, others tend to follow suit, and this breeds selfishness and regression in familial relationships.
when crisis happens, and it will, the greatest tool you have to promote positive learning and growth is your ability to be cognisant of your behaviors and actions. You will make a difference, decide now if it will be a positive  one.

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